EXPAND is launching 4 workshops:

1. Personal Development:

Have you ever considered a workshop that turns the major conflict of work-life balance into power?

Are you having a hard time leaving personal issues back home? What is limiting your potential thus limiting your personal and business productivity?

Please click here for more information


2. Sales Development:

Sales targets are typically hard to achieve. Competition is rising, clients’ purchasing power is declining, and online sales are rising. As a result, more burden is being placed on the sales team and its ability to ensure steady growth for the company.

Please click here for more information


3. Business Planning:

How many times have you thought about taking your business to the next level? What exactly does it take to go bigger? What is the backbone that holds and develops a business?

Please click here for more information


4. Management Development:

Managing teams is becoming more and more complex. The word is changing, teams have different priorities, clients have less purchasing powers, systems are becoming more and more crucial for business fitness.

Please click here for more information

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